Work With Our Multidisciplinary and Art-Oriented Studio

At obsidian pictures, we handle all aspects of  film production. Our goal is to develop and produce art-focused movies focused on art and artists. As an independent production company, we push the boundaries of filmmaking to the limits of our creativity and beyond.

Meet Our Owner

Our studio is headed by Jabulon, a New York-trained actor who worked in the theater industry before shifting into film production. He started as a composer and 3D graphic designer, making computer art movies to complement his musical compositions.

Our Core Values

In every project we handle, we make sure to elevate all art to its proper place. Our focus is to promote and highlight artists, photographers, and spoken word performers in all aspects of art.

Talk to Us

For additional information about our studio and collaborative works, send us a message today. We are always ready to answer any inquiries and concerns you may have.